The Importance Of Freedom Of Speech In The United States

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The union is literally opening to police department as well as themselves up to a large lawsuit if someone gets injured due the police department 's lack of taken action to protect those who kneel during the anthem.

As a vet who now will live a life in a powered wheelchair, their actions angered me at first. I then took pause and realized that my sacrifice was to assure all American 's their rights and freedoms. If everyone always agreed with everyone else views, there would be no need to protect individual 's freedom of speech. That 's why those rights protected. To allow even a minority of people the right to speak and to express through peaceful demonstration their feelings towards any subject. Just because a large number of us disagree either with how they demonstrate or the message behind said demonstration, gives us no right to deny them their rights. Everyone seems to take their rights for granted until someone says or does something that many disagrees with. Doing so makes those who wants to stop others nothing more than hippocrates. Unless however you are willing to surender your right to free speech as …show more content…

As far as law enforcement is concerned the take an oath that includes upholding the Constitution and Government of the United States. This is part of Broward County Sheriff Department 's oath includes this as part of their oath as well. This means the this sheriff department is violating their own sworn oath by not providing security due to the current anthem situation. If these officers feel justified in violating this porting of their oath, what other aspects of their oath have they also ignored in the