The Importance Of Gender Characterotypes In Disney Princess Films

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Literature Review
This study will examine princess films and decide whether color of the princesses has an effect on the portrayal of gender role of each character. By using a content analysis, this research will identify the difference in each princess with respect to their color. To study the gender portrayal in the Disney princess films is important to analyze due to the reach of Disney movies among the children (Setoodeh & Yabroff, 2007, pp. 66–67) . These movies are molding the ideas of gender portrayal among the children. Disney and its princess have been identified as a powerful influence on children (Lacroix, 2004). These movies are contributing to a new “girlhood” that is largely defined by gender roles and consumption of related messages (McRobbie, 2008). Thus, the Disney Princess films and its portrayal of gender role have an important implications on children (Hubka, Hovdestad, & Tonmyr, 2009). There have been several informative researchers that address gender role portrayals in children’s media.
Through the years, Disney has received criticism for their gender interpretations and absence of color diversity (May, 2011). But that scenario changed after the release of Princess and The Frog 58 years later. However, as gender roles have changed, the female characters in Disney animations have also changed with gaining more importance in their roles (Yerby, Baron, & Lee, n.d., pp. 1-11). Parasecoli (2010) claimed that The Princess and the Frog showed off Tiana’s