The Importance Of Guidance In Counseling

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Tackling the problems all around issues that come along with a living a better life is no easy bulls eye to hit. Every day we encounter difficulties or problem issues that all of these things we cannot ignore how do we face or handle this problems with strength self-assurance, and a clear mind? If you are a counselor, or have been to a counselor before, you would know the benefits that being able to speak with someone one-on-one about your issues have to offer. There is no shame in asking for help, Thus being in the profession of Guidance in Counseling has the great challenge that we should be expert in those skills familiarize use of technique to help the person who is need. Counseling is one great invention of the enormous of the 20th century. It has been help to improve their well being, resolve crisis and increase their ability to function better in their lives . Being assigned guidance practioner/facilitator has a great responsibility and trying to answer the simple question “How can I help people?”with the trainings/ practicum and past experience is it enough to help. It can start before graduate school with a human service job. And it can emerge later during once career, It operates as circle there and then gone and again appearing later, (Palmer 1998) We as counselor/fascilitator often are hoping to become more competent to help on our client or counselee and for counseling, mastery and expertise to emerge. The point after all, of doing the one way