The Importance Of ICT In Education

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CT has certainly revolutionized the way people access information; however the way it is adopted, or implemented in any of aspects of our life is subject to individual understanding about the limits and possibilities. It is not an a priori taken for granted added value. More importantly, this idealistic perception is neither benefitting the teaching and learning of English nor helping educators to grasp all the potential of ICT tools. Instead, it minimizes the attempts to understand the deep-seated factors that may assure its successful integration and contribute by this way to enhance successful language learning experiences. In the same vein, though experts wholly agree on the inherent potentials of ICT as a lever for change and an opportunity for increased quality education, and effectiveness, they emphasize that, not enough attention is being devoted to questions of how it systematically aid language learning. As teachers and practitioners, we consider that for effective ICT integration to occur, it is necessary to evaluate objectively our practices, and specify clear pedagogical objectives so as to design an adequate framework that assists educators to meet both their educational goals. To better meet the increasing communicative demands of the workplace, designing a practical framework for an ICT-ESP based course at EPSECG seems of paramount importance. For that a structural systematic research approach should be envisaged. To