Scope Of Ict In Education

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Module Structure

19.0 Learning outcomes
19.1 Introduction
19.2 ICT
19.3 ICT in education
19.4 Characteristics of ICT in education
19.5 Significance of ICT
19.6 Scope of ICT
19.7 Let us sum up

After going through this module you will be able to:
• State the meaning of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and ICT in education in particular.
• Explain the concept of ICT in education.
• Justify the significance of ICT in education.
• Explain the scope of ICT in education, i.e. teaching learning process, administration, research and evaluation.
It is difficult and may be impossible …show more content…

When used appropriately, different technologies can help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and raise educational quality by helping make teaching and learning in an active process connected to real life.
In this module, we will get an overall idea about the concept of Information and Communication Technology. We will also discuss about the significance of ICT in education and its scope.
19.2 ICT
In the era of technology today, we get updated information through internet. We take online tickets or use smart cards to take tickets. We do shopping on the internet. We communicate through e-mail, telephone, fax, etc. ATM, internet, computer, mobile FAX etc. are all technologies. We make use of these technologies to meet our purpose. Mainly it is used to manage information, i.e. to create, to store, to disseminate, to process information. These are nothing but Information and Communication Technologies.
Let us see some of the definitions of ICT
"ICT stand for information and communication technologies and is defined, as a "diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage …show more content…

When these technologies are applied in the field of education, it is termed as ICT in education. The term too can be used as the connotation to the term Educational technology because it also uses any hardware and software approaches that can enhance yield better learning outcomes. In the era of Computer technology the term ICT mainly focuses on the infrastructure, devices and sources of computer technology and thus it is imperative to discuss about the use of ICT in education by focusing mainly on Computer based technology.
• Hardware and software approach: ICT in education is any hardware and software technology that contribute in the educational information processing. In the context of the present era, ICT mainly comprises of Computer technology with its hardware, like, Personal computer machine, infrastructure required for setting up Internet facility and also software like, CD ROM including various programme packages, E-learning strategies etc.
 Click here to watch video to know different software and hardware used in

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