Racism In Africa

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Europe’s imperial ambition that resulted in many deaths, corrupted states, famines and genocides

During approximately the 1860’s the competitive Western Nations were in desperate need of domination and therefore started the expansion of their territories overseas. On account of the fact that they finally gained the essential privileges and advantages for a “successful” colonisation, for instance steamships, weapons and quinine medicine, they decided to place their countries’ individual interests in front of the importance of several nations’ futures.

In the end of the 19th century (in 1870s) more than 10% of the African territory, mostly around the coastal lines, was controlled by the power-hungry colonial powers who saw this domination …show more content…

As the English, French, Portuguese and Spanish manufacturers and their businesses became more and more prosperous, the native Africans continued to be impoverished. Although this wasn 't the beginning of a racial inequality, it sure was a continuation. This consequently developed into something that still affects our daily lives today, more than 100 years after the beginning of this brutality against humanity that we today refer to as racism. The Oxford Dictionary defines racism as
“Cecil John Rhodes was a British businessman, mining magnate and politician in South Africa. He served as the Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896”. (Wikipedia) “The belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.” This can certainly be used to describe the exploitation of people and their labour during the colonialism, as many were forced into slavery, which often involved many …show more content…

Domiciled armed and non-armed conflicts are a vital problem in several countries that are located in the area at the moment. I chose to emphasise this fact because it affects many innocent people while the division of Africa during the Scramble of Africa is one of the causes to this.

I also mentioned how the exploitation of Africa’s natural resources and means of production were exploited and how this affected the population back then, but also the present population and what it did to countries’ present economies. This was done to emphasise the fact that Imperialism did affect the general situation in the country and why this was