Analyze How The Topic Of Corruption Is Covered In The Media

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Of concern is the fact that despite the tremendous growth of the internet, people cannot exercise their right to free expression online . People also cannot exercise their right to access information because the government has placed restrictions. This paper shall analyse how the topic of corruption is covered in the media in different countries and what factors influence this media coverage.
1.1.2. Types of Corruption
Knowing the types of corruption will help create a broader understanding of corruption as a vice, while providing the ways in which the internet media may be compromised in its role as a source of information to the public on matters concerning corruption. This will help understand what kinds of corruption are manifested in the media. Political Corruption This type of corruption involves lawmakers, like dictators, monarchs and legislators . These are individuals in positions of …show more content…

Administrative Corruption
Administrative corruption involves people in administrative positions using favouritism and bribery to allow specific business entities to avoid operating as per the regulations, lower the amount of taxes that they should pay or even win small procurement contracts. In most cases, the people involved in administrative corruption receive a sum of money for their efforts to ensure that their chosen company benefits from their actions.
Administrative corruption thrives in governments and institutions where an individual or a group of individuals in an organization or in government have the power to control and change the procedure of factors such as taxation and awarding of tenders . Therefore, administrative corruption is a type of corruption that is difficult to detect. Most cases of administrative corruption have been revealed by competing companies that feel that the administrative units involved did not apply the rules as they should, in the award of tenders or in exempting the favoured companies from making some payments in tax

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