The Importance Of Land Resources In South Bengal

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Human sustenance and security on earth is largely depends on production capabilities of land resources. For this reason it is so important to keep the land productive. While using this concept of production outmost care is required to be taken so that we will able to get better yield from land resources to cope up with the increasing population for our existence and for survival of our future generation. Therefore it can be said that the economic stability and wise use of land resources are inseparable. A large part of the districts in South Bengal are characterized by lateritic soils and major parts of Purulia, Bankura, Midnapur and Birbhum come under this cover. The soils of South Bengal are having low organic content, acidic to neutral pH, higher concentrations of iron and aluminum oxides. The forests are consists predominantly of Sal trees in the lateritic areas as well as in most other part of the tract (the hills). The forests in general conform to 4B/C2 of Champion’s Forest types and Sal forests come under category A3 of Sal types - Dry peninsular type of Sal trees. This tract of Sal forests, as observed, has a good regenerating power of through coppice1 shoots. Apart from, Sal trees are the one of the most important hard wood species and by far one of