Un-Mowed Area Invasive Species: A Case Study

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1. The importance value is a measure of the dominance of a species in a given area, this was determine by determining the sum of three independent factors. The maximum importance value any species can obtain is three, with the lowest importance value would then be zero. The three factors used to determine a species importance value are relative density, relative frequency and relative coverage. The calculated the results are shown in Table 2 and Table 3 for the mowed and un-mowed area, respectively. The management strategy clearly alters the dominance of a given species in an area. In the un-mowed area invasive species are dominating the native species, because they are allowed to grow uncontrolled. While in the mowed area, invasive spices are controlled and removed. This allows native species to flourish, without hindrance from invasive species. These results are indicated by the comparison of Tables 2 and 3, from analysis of the importance value in each area.
Table 2: Woody species with the three highest Importance Values in the mowed area. …show more content…

The un-mowed transects had the highest species richness value of 31, and the mowed transect had a species richness value of six. These numbers indicate that the diversity of woody plant life at Camp Catalpa was greater in the un-mowed sections than the mowed sections. The species richness number included trees and shrubs and excluded snags. This indicates that the management strategy of mowing, reduces species diversity, and leaving a tans sect to thrive in a natural way increases species diversity. This diversity amongst species in the mowed transect could have a negative impact on the growth of native plants, if an abundant number of invasive species exist in the un-mowed transects.
3. Figure 3: Relative Density of Land Management Graph. For trees and shrubs only.
There was no invasive species found in the mowed area, and 31 found in the un-mowed. Resulting in a significantly higher density for the mowed

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