Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

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Bonjour, como va su dia? Capire? 我不这么认为. นี่เป็นภาษาไทย. あなたがこれを理解するチャンスはスリムです。이것은 한국이다. Understand? No? Schools don’t even teach one of these languages. Learning a new language isn’t taken seriously. It’s viewed as just another class students need to pass. But it shouldn’t be viewed as just another class. They don’t see it as a skill they need to acquire. Only 1 in 5 students were enrolled in a foreign language class in 2014-2015. Students aren’t being properly tested by nationally available standardized test to measure how much they know. So we can’t even see if teaching methods are effective or if students are even learning for that matter. Learning a foreign language should be required for students to learn k-12. To give them more opportunity, …show more content…

Psychologist Ellen Bialystok and some of her colleagues did a research with patients with this condition. Half of 450 patients were bilingual and the other half only spoke one language. While they did have a similar conditions, those who spoke 2 languages were diagnosed 4 to 5 years later than those who spoke one language. Even with more advanced brain deterioration the bilinguals were being able to, in a way, cope with the disease. Another language helps the student rather than hurt them. Not only can this help a student’s brain, but it can give them more …show more content…

In the future that may have a great impact. For example, in the past there has been many mistranslations which, in turn have led to misunderstandings. Take the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings for example. Could they have been prevented? Stewrat Chase does think so. Chase said the Japanese responded with the word ' 'mokusatsu, ' ' which was intended to mean in context that they were reserving comment. The allied powers mistranslated it into “ We are ignoring your warning.” So the Allies decided to proceed with their plans. Which led to the bombings that killed at least 129,000 people. Learning a language and its culture can have major improvements to society. It may lead them to understand our own culture better by studying the differences. It can lead them to communicate with other people from other countries better. It could be a better future for them. In conclusion, we’ve seen the statistics and how much students could benefit from learning a foreign language. K-12 students in the U.S should be learning a foreign language. For one, acquiring the skill to be able to communicate with more people and help them in the long run. It helps their cognitive ability and even the effects of Alzheimer’s. Second, It could give them more opportunities at more jobs that they want. It could prevent a bad event in the future and open their eyes to other cultures. Lastly, it could even bring countries together.