Why Do Students Should Learn Foreign Language Essay

903 Words4 Pages

TITLE: Each student should learn foreign language.


SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade people that each of student should learn foreign language

MAIN IDEA: - learning foreign language enhance communication skills.
- learning foreign language enhance job and career opportunities.


Attention grabber: What do you feel when someone comes to you and asking a question in the different language from your language, and you are not understand the particular question and did not answered the question as well? Of course you are feeling like you are still did not have much knowledge than other people.

Tie to audience: I am sure that, some of us said that “it will be beneficial when I learn another language?” …show more content…

Transition: Now, allow me to begin with the first reason why we need to learn foreign language. BODY PARAGRAPH 1:

Main point: student should learn foreign language because it helps us to enhance our communication skills.

Supporting detail:-

As we know, in Malaysia consist of variety of ethnics and cultures and also have been visited with tourist from another country. By learning foreign language, it will easier for us to communicate with them when sometime they are asking us about a place and about our country too. We can well mixed with foreigner when we can speak with their language. If we are only know a few words only and we are rephrasing the words in another languages, it already shows that we are putting how much effort to mix with them

In addition, according to Russell A. Berman which is the President of the Modern Language Association and professor of Comparative Literature and German Studies at Stamford University said that, study a foreign language do not required us to understand the words and grammar of that language only. But, we are also can learn the skill to communicated with other person, the pronunciations and the meaning of the