The Importance Of The Foreign Language In Education

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English is known as the international language in the world that make a strong communication between the people of the world, which many developing countries attempt to use from this language while their native tongue is not English. Speaking English may have some positive and negative effects on those countries which English is not their original language. Although in many countries English is thought as a foreign language in schools and universities, some other countries used English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI). Even though some countries believe that English may not use as the Medium of Instruction because by using as EMI day by day the mother language will destroyed and the people will forgot their mother tongue but, others believe that the EMI has played an important role on the development of the developing countries. The purpose of this essay is to examine the benefit of EMI on the countries which English is not their first language and the desire of countries to use EMI rather than as foreign longue. It will widely discuss the significant impact of implementation of EMI in the countries where used English as the Medium of instruction in term of education opportunity and economic growth. Using English as Medium of instruction has an effective role on the internationalization and globalization of the universities and students. Internationalizing the education is the one of the technical ways to applying the EMI to make opportunity for the students to