Bilrusher The Vero River Analysis

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Lighting is a vital part of a theatrical performance. The lighting design not only allows the audience to see what is occurring on stage, but also indicates the mood of a scene and affects the emotions of the audience. The lighting design of Bulrusher is an integral part in this production. I found three components of the lighting design particularly significant: the lighting of the river, the selection of down light colors, and the changes in lighting during key moments. My favorite part of the lighting design was the lighting of the river. In Bulrusher, the Navarro River is a silent character, listening to Bulrusher, silently responding to her, giving her advice. This effect is achieved primarily through lighting. The lighting director selected a number of gobos that create swirling patterns of movement and color, showing the current of the and …show more content…

For example, during Bulrusher’s soliloquies, the use of bright down light and sometimes the use of front light created some interesting shadows on Bulrusher’s face. I believe this made the audience focus more intently on what this character was saying rather than on her physical movement. Toward the end of the play, when Schoolch is questioning Madame about why she is staying in Boonsville, Bulrusher has an intermittent monologue at the front of the stage and Schoolch and Madame are standing behind her. The light brightens on Bulrusher as she talks. Then the light dims on Bulrusher and brightens on Madame and Schoolch as they talk, creating a ping-pong effect. The changes in lighting creates the feeling as if this is happening in two different places when in reality the characters are quite close together on the stage. The characters in this scene are coming to terms with their realities, and the lighting not only highlights the action, but also represents their own process of