The Importance Of Love And Sex

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Once you recognize love is the spirit and sex is the body in which the spirit is contained, then you are faced with the sharp question which comes first -- love or sex? This is like the proverbial chicken and egg dilemma. Darwinians would tend to put sex first because reproduction was the principal objective for the coming together of the two sexes. Looking at the adaptive imperatives it would seem more probable that sex came first. But then how did love follow? The impulses of romantic love which are often derided as bundling together of mawkish sentiments not only came in the wake of sex, but survived the onslaughts of bantering and slugging and shelling of severe critics. If love was indeed a figment, as it is made out by some, it would not have survived as a universal human emotion common to cultures across the world and so long.

Love and sex may not be synonymous. Perhaps it is also true that love without sex does not create as strong a bond as sexual love. But sexuality alone does not provide the mental and spiritual satisfaction that can be spawned by true love. That is why for a child the family becomes the source of unconditional love and also of an awareness of the value of love. It provides the link of the child to the external world from the moment his consciousness develops.

As for the chastity and love, the two are often described as antipodal in the sense that love outside marriage is deprecated and shown as lack of chastity. Our moral hackles are often