Love Is What Keeps Family Together Essay

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Love is an intense feeling of affection towards one. Love is what keeps people together. Love is what keeps family together. This book is about love and the ability to stick together as a family no matter what. Leilani proves this in the book she and her father stuck together no matter what and the bond that held them together is the love that they had for eatchother. Whenever Leilani was feeling down her father was there and vice versa. Love is a feeling, people need love in there life to build a strong bond between eatchother and that’s exactly what Leilani and her father have made.

As the story begain lei and her father had to go to the hospitail because they had to get treated for her eplipsy. They then traveled to another island were …show more content…

They hope that there is an afterlife and a god to guide them through this situation because one wants to get out of it. They hope in the goodness of people like uncle akoni helping father after he was shot. Finally they hope that they will be reunited with there family when the story ends

Leilani has her own conflicts as the story progresses she is bothered by the fact that she is half white and half hawwian she feels like she doesn’t fit in at school because most of her friends are full hawwian. Leiani felt like she did not have a place in the world because she was different then everyone and her elpisply controls her, but as the story went on leilani feels like she does have a place because she is the only one that can speak to the emerald orchid.

Leilani and her father finally reached home but as they where walking one of her friends noticed her and she said leilani where have u been its been days since we have last seen you she talked about what happened but not in detail she countied to walk home with her father be her side they were so happy but at the same time nervous to go home because they didn’t know if there family was still there or if the hopuse was taken over and there family was gone as they slowly made it to the driveway they could feel the anxiety bulid up they where finally

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