Importance Of We Are What We Eat Essay

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Nutrition is the second facet of our health pillars. Varied among the various cultures of the world and unbalanced in several, food is living energy that we consume daily. It is primordial that the foods we choose to eat ensure the quality and quantity of the energy animating us. This essential supplies ensures the proper functioning and competence of each cell of the body, every nerve impulses and synthesis of all proteins necessary for life. As Hippocrates said more than 2,000 years ago: "Let food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." Hippocrates affirms the idea that a healthy lifestyle is directly related to healthy and balanced diet.

For the past 60 years, the food supply of the world has literally transformed, becoming a real food industry, ruled by capital markets, not by what should be consumed for our health. The arrival of GMOs, pesticides, food transformation industry; all this was done in silence, without much scientific consultation, and in ignorance of the population. In recent years, ignoring the recommendations and scientific facts that run counter to the ideology of the companies, the industry has kept on its way to more artificial food production even to the discredit of adverse …show more content…

It is present in our lives since the first moment. This is the vital need that seems most similar among all races, regardless of our cultural differences and different backgrounds. Sleep can 't be discriminative because we all carry the same need toward it. It can be subjective to each person, but there is relative similarity and tangibility. There are two relatively very important determinants in order to promote the quality of sleep. This is an adequate amount of sleep and circadian rhythm made and maintained daily. This indeed has a big impact on the quality of sleep since the circadian cycle is very strongly influenced by exposure to light, which influence, by extension, our state of mind and