Summary Of Western Diet By Michael Polland

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In this book, Michael Polland highlights the main issues in today’s “Western Diet,” breaking down the factors contributing to our unhealthy food consumption. Nutritionism is an idea that we are constantly surrounded by, but how much of it do you really understand? How much of it is truth, and how much is simply manipulation? If you were to look back in time, you’d see the progression of the modern meal, straying further and further from actual food itself. According to Polland, “as long as the new fake foods were engineered to be nutritionally equivalent to the real article, they could no longer be considered fake” (pg. 36). It may seem like a ludicrous idea, but this is something that the majority of the American population consumes daily, “real” fake food. When “The Dietary Goals for the United States” were created in the 1970s, a …show more content…

Polland goes on to state that the fact is, the “low-fat campaign” has little to no scientific evidence behind it, and is harming us more than helping. There is something lost in genetically engineered food that we can only get from the source, fruits and vegetables. He claims that “if it tells you that it’s healthy, it probably isn’t.” One passage struck me on page 133, where Polland illustrates that “nutritionism, which arose to help us better deal with the problems of the Western diet, has largely been co-opted by it: used by the industry to sell more nutritionally “enhanced” processed food to undermine further the authority of traditional food cultures that stand in the way of fast food. Industry greatly amplifies the claims of nutritional science through its advertising and, through its sponsorship of self-serving nutritional research corrupts it.” All considering America’s capitalistic foundation, it’s hard to be surprised upon learning this