Old Folks Home Case Study

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According to Yamini Vijendram (2013), a large number of elderly people are often send to the elderly care center by their own children.
Background information:
Old folk house is a place that all old folks live and spend time together. They may have problems getting proper care, may be homeless or just without children. Sometime, this is the best choice for people who that no enough time to take care their elderly parent. Besides, “who care for the elderly, if not their kid? Should adults sending their elderly parent placed in a nursing home? Some of the people will say “Yes” because nursing home have good facility to take care their parent and some will say “No” because this is part of responsibility. As parent gets older and illness, …show more content…

Normally, old folks house hire the untrained employees from undeveloped foreign country such as Bangladesh, Filipina, and Myanmar because the wages is low.
i. For example, the Filipina nurse do not know how to handle the emergency situations such as when the older facing stroke, faint, and Parkinson. b. Employees that responsible for take care of the older may abuse them because of the feeling of impatient, this may causes accidents happen because the older people is very weak.
2. Mostly the facility provided in old folks house are incomplete and not well maintained cause inconvenience to the older people. a. Some of the old folk house provided limited equipment such as wheelchair, crutch, medical facilities, and commode chair cause older people have to take turn when using the facilities. b. Mostly the old folk house having financial problems to renew the equipment that are not well maintained or not function able, they rely on the donations from outsider to repurchase or to repair the equipment. i. According to chairman Vincent Lee, said that: “the slowing economy is apparent when people are starting to be cautious with their spending, and it is going to be hard on old folks homes like ours because we rely heavily on public