Personal Development

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How often do you imagine yourself as a person who achieved perfection? Have you formed in your mind an image of yourself, healthy and beautiful, professionally developed, having wonderful relations with close people and the surrounding world?

Personal development is an endless process, so each goal achieved becomes the starting point for new greater ideas.

So, if you have never wondered what person you would like to be at this point in life, find some time and work on it. Imagine that you 've received a high-quality upgrade in all areas – your appearance, profession, family, and describe your improved image in detail on paper. Describe your character, physical condition, the way you spend your day, people surrounding you – everything to …show more content…

Having once created your perfect image in your mind, you’ll set a vector of development which will guide you further.

Now, compare two images: the desired one and the one you have now. Perhaps, in some areas of life, you’re already close to your dream, and in others, on the contrary, you are very far from it. Write down the principal discrepancies for yourself. Now you have the guidance. Let 's start working on the changes. As people say, the road to the dream starts with one step.

Today I’ll tell you about many important factors and principles of personal development. With them, your way to the dream will be faster and faster day by day.

The main principle of proper nutrition and the first step in shifting to a healthy lifestyle: determine which products do you no good, and stop taking them. In order to improve your health significantly, first, it is necessary to remove all harmful food. And only after this, you can introduce more high-quality food to your diet. 90% of success in the health improvement is just this first step because we can eat loads of germinated seeds, spinach, berries, and celery, but if we continue eating roasted meat and pastry, the effect from adding useful products will be minimal. Most often, we suffer more from the things we do than from the things we don’t do. For example, a woman engaging in sports to exhaustion, who often overeats, looks and feels worse than the one, who does not do regular exercises but does not