The Importance Of Plastic Pollution On The Ocean

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The ocean is undoubtedly one of the most valuable resources known to humans. It is sometimes called as The Big Blue or The Great Provider. Ever since, people have taken advantage of the many benefits our ocean presents us with. It’s been used as a source of food and as a source of many minerals. However, unfortunately, what seemed to be impossible a hundred years ago is happening. Sadly, the existence of this great body of water is being threatened.

Unfortunately, people have forgotten the importance of being good to our environment. People have forgotten how to dispose of their waste properly. Today, throughout the world’s oceans, lies a silent, floating killer. The Australian Marine Conservation Society describes …show more content…

This plastic pollution rides the ocean’s currents and reaches the furthest corners of our seas. This is sad because unlike paper or glass, plastic never really goes away. It just breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces. That means that every piece of plastic anyone has ever used is still around today. Plastic pollution happens when plastics that are far inland are blown by the wind over long distances and end up in the ocean. Having said this, research shows that almost 90% of the marine debris found on Sydney’s beaches is plastic, mostly bottles, caps and straws. Also Australians use 10 million plastic bags a day (that 's 3.9 billion plastic bags a year). This tells us that the vast majority of the plastics in our seas come from urban areas. This tells us that the main cause of plastic waste in the ocean is the inability of common people to dispose of their waste properly.

Also, sewage or polluting substances that go to the ocean from rivers and different bodies of water are contributing factors. Plastics even have chemical nutrients that go to the ocean’s ecosystem. The chemical nutrients reduce the oxygen level of the ocean that affects plants, animals and ocean life. Waste is thrown directly into the ocean causing a huge …show more content…


Plastic cannot decompose. The remains of plastic we use are suspended in the oceans current for years and years. What 's even more unfortunate is that this has a negative effect on animals. They can choke on the plastic or they mistake it for food. This slowly kills them over a long period of time.
While plastic bags are the most commonly ingested item, other creatures have been found with Styrofoam and monofilament lines in their stomachs. Ingestion of plastic can lead to blockage in the gut, ulceration, internal perforation and death for these creatures, And even if their organs remain intact, they may suffer from false sensations of satiation and slow or halt reproduction.
A lot of the time, marine life ingest and get tangled in plastic. In 2008 two sperm whales that were found along the California coast with large amounts of fishing net scraps, rope and other plastic debris in their stomachs died. Animals who are most often the victims of plastic debris include turtles, dolphins, fish, sharks, crabs, sea birds, and

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