Good Health Vs Bad Health

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Humans live life and as they get older their health slowly declines and they eventually die. Personal wealth often affects one’s health. It seems poor people have worse overall health and do receive worse medical help. As annual family income is raised, percent of people in that income range who report poor health decreases. The poor health could be a result of people’s diet. Poor people tend to have to eat cheap food to get by. These cheap food tend to be the food that are high in calories, trans fats and sugars, all the unhealthy stuff. This is why we tend to see poor people with the highest rates of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Not only do high income Americans have the ability to buy the more expensive healthy foods …show more content…

There needs to be healthier more affordable options in poor communities. Poor people usually only options are the convenient unhealthy fast foods. There need to be more nutritious healthy foods such as vegetables, whole grains, and baked proteins liked chicken and fish at food banks and at their local grocery stores for an affordable price. Poor communities also need feasible outlets of exercise, more parks, more jogging trails, and more gyms. The media also has a hand in bad health in low income communities. In these poor neighborhood is where the most advertisement for tobacco, alcohol, and high-calorie foods occurs …show more content…

As of now America’s health care systems has many flaws that need to be ironed out. Americas system as of now is a hybrid system between, a single-payer national health insurance system and a multi-payer universal health insurance fund. Some propose which switch to a universal health care system and I agree. Universal health care would lowers health care costs for an economy. With universal health care the U.S. government would be in control they would regulate prices for medication and medical services. This then eliminates privatized health insurers doctors and hospitals will now only deal with the government agency. This would benefit the poor populations because doctors would be forces to offer their services at a low price point. As of now health care providers offer expensive services and pay doctors more. They try to compete by targeting the wealthy leaving the impoverished with huge medical big unable to pay. Some would argue the universal route is not practical and has many disadvantages. With a universal health care system people would become unhealthier because they aren’t motivated financially to do so. Also the universal health care system forces healthy people to pay for the sick’s medical costs. These problems can be solved by encouraging people to try self-treatment before coming to doctor offices and emergency