Why Do Prisons Need Rehabilitation

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Today in America, many offenders find themselves in and out of prison and part of the reason why they keep reoffending is because the justice system is not doing their part. When a person first commits a crime, some of the circumstances surrounding why the crime may have been committed are not taken into account. The justice system should focus more on rehabilitating offenders, helping those with mental illnesses, and keeping track of them through parole and probation after they are released.
Instead of trying to rehabilitate offenders, many prisons focus on simply punishing them. As an American society, we focus solely on punishment because of the idea of revenge but in order to help society prosper and grow prisons must gear their focus to help prepare offenders for the real world. Without rehabilitation many offenders often go back to committing the illegal crimes that placed them in prison the first time. Rehabilitation not only helps change the perspective of offenders but it also introduces them to an alternative way to live life outside of prison. Some forms of rehabilitation include anger management classes, educational classes, and vocational training. Through anger management classes, inmates would learn about different ways to cope with stress and how to control their aggression. These classes could also teach prisoners’ relaxation methods, other ways to handle their issues without lashing out, and problem solving skills. Anger Management classes are also known for improving behavioral and cognitive skills. Many people …show more content…

Simply punishing them does not change the circumstances surrounding the crime or the outcome, but when the justice system decides to help these inmates they can become an asset to society. When inmates are truly rehabilitated, they can then go out and be productive members of