Self Regulation Strategies

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Self-sufficiency is one of the main goals of education, however, these skills are not something people are inherently born with. Luckily, through the development of self-regulation, anyone can become less dependent when it comes to learning and completing assignments. Self-regulation is the self-directed process that enables students to be able to take responsibility for their actions, and these skills used to monitor one’s self-regulation must be developed over time. For students that lack these self-regulation skills, their external locus of control causes them to blame outside sources for any of their failures or shortcomings. However, if students are taught to self-regulate themselves, their newfound mental abilities are transformed into …show more content…

There are thousands of self-regulating strategies for students to incorporate into their daily routines, and this is fortunate because every student is different, and therefore, the strategies that benefit one student, may hinder another. (Zimmerman, Bonner, & Kovach, 1996). However, are while there are countless beneficial strategies that aid different students, I have selected a variety of three to teach to my class in an effort to foster careful planning, performance, and reflection among my …show more content…

Upon reflection, it was apparent to me that this particular unit I was formulating is rooted deeply in reading and writing, and because of this, I wanted to provide my students, especially those who have a reading or writing disability, with self-regulation strategies that tie into the projects and assignments that I administer. One of the self-regulating strategies I selected, the venn diagram graphic organizer, directly relates to one of the components of my summative assessment, as my students will be asked to compare and contrast different cultural norms from the country of their choice and the United States. For third graders, it can be difficult to organize their thoughts before completing a writing task, but by filling out a graphic organizer, my students will be able to visually map out each point they plan on making in their paragraph. This will enable my students to monitor their writing practices for the specific summative assessment, but a venn diagram can also be applied to any other writing assignment that requires two topics to be compared and

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