The Importance Of Sight In Serena

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In the novel Serena by Rob Rash, where a man and his wife manage a logging company with an iron first sight is presented in a couple of ways. Of course one of these ways is the literal one, which is present in almost every piece of writing imaginable, but along with this presentation of sight, there are several more ways sight is presented as. One of the main themes around sight that is shown in Serena can that of the fact that there are things that cannot be seen in this world. Snipes makes remarks about this, as the quotes " '...philosophers and theologians and such say there 's things in the world that 's every bit as real even though you can 't see them, '" and "All I 'm saying is there is a lot more to this old world then meets the eye!"(66) reveal. These two statements allow the author to show that server fields are based around things that cannot be seen, and then have Snipe exhibit his belief in things that are unseen, but that exist none-the-less. Another way sight is presented in Serena is as a sense that can function in several ways, and do unexpected things. This can be seen through " 'It 's more than that, ' Campbell said. 'She can …show more content…

Finally, there is one last way sight is presented in the book. As a sense that can be very unreliable, yet is very important. This is shown through the quotes "Pemberton had snorted. 'That old crone 's so blind she couldn 't even see herself in a mirror! '"(57) and " 'Yet that is the hardest place to see them, Mrs. Pemberton. They blend in so well to be nearly invisible. ' 'Better eyes are needed then, ' Serena said."(60). These emphasize that sight is a delicate sense, easily lost, or diminished in ability, even though it is a very important thing to have. Serena, while not, in character, meaning this, says something that can also be seen through these quotes. That humans need better sight. It is fleeting, and even the average man 's sense of sight, it is very easy to miss something and die to to it because