The Importance Of Spelling In Writing

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Spelling is the learner's ability to write a word correctly. Accurate spelling in writing adds to the quality of writing texts. The study of students' spelling errors provides an opportunity to understand and facilitate in the learners' spelling difficulties (Al-zuoud and Kabilan, 2013). It will result in the improvement of students' writing and may largely contribute to make good writers. Spelling errors are major errors in writing English. According to Willett (2003) spelling is a key functional component of writing. Brann (1997) and Mosely (1993) believe that spelling has a direct effect on the ability to read and write. It means that spelling is the key to both reading and writing of the language. So effective writing depends …show more content…

Spelling is "the encoding of linguistic forms into written forms (Perfetti, 1997, p. 22). According to Allaith (2009) two of the most important processes which spelling relies on are phonological awareness and alphabetic knowledge. The importance of spelling is not limited to learners whose first language is English, but to English language learners as well. The number of English language learners has grown 46% in the U.S. between the years 1990 and 2000 (National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition, 2002, as cited in Figueredo, 2006), and it is estimated that 235 million people around the world speak English as a second language (Crystal, 1997, as cited in Figueredo, …show more content…

This shows that applying phonic knowledge as a strategy for spelling will be reasonably effective for more than 80 per cent of words—if the target word is being heard clearly and pronounced accurately by the speller (Westwood, 2014). Westwood (2014) believes that no word is entirely irregular, and attending to the sounds within a word can give a sufficient clue that allows for an approximate first spelling. Jackson (2008) states that many words with multiple syllables are actually easier to spell phonetically than some one-syllable words. Moreover, when a student starts to recognize and use commonly occurring groups of letters that represent key parts of words rather than relying on single-letter encoding, even more English words become easier to spell (Westwood, 2014). English is considered as a language with a deep orthography because it includes many words that have been imported from, or influenced by, other languages. Westwood (2014) states that certain words do not obey phonic principles for some reasons, such as errors or inventions made by the early scribes, printers and type