Spirit Guide Essay

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What To Know About Spiritual Guides? Do you grow interested in the spirit world lately? When learning about the realm of spirituality, you will surely also hear about spirit guides via the mention of many people. Some who frequently develop the psychic gift claim that they even met their guide. Ever wonder if spirit guides are real or if you may have a spirit guide that’s around you at this moment? A spirit guide is present in this life in order to help you, those who usually feel depressed or anxious because of the physical world. Although your spirit guide is not visible, they do connect to you as well as direct your every move. The easiest recognizable form of a spirit guide is the white feather. Not many people have ideas of what …show more content…

The type of being that belongs to another vibrational frequency (*1) compared to the human’s physical one is called the spirit guide. They come with many different ways to assist you in your life. A group of spirit guides is a part of a person’s Spirit Team, along with angels, higher self and other spiritual …show more content…

A lot of people frequently mistake their own intuition as spirit intervention (*2). Spiritually, your guardian angel and other guides are brought to this life to guide us through difficulties, not to demand us to do this or that around. We all are born with free will, and spirit guides have no power to intervene in your progress of making choices. Even if they have the ability to do that, they are NOT allowed to. Their role, ultimately, is to offer insight and clarity as well as regulate your life circumstances in order to lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, their attempt in giving orders or instructions will never be accepted. Talking about spirit guides, this is the topic that has created quite many controversial conversations. Nobody can prove their existence, after all. Even some psychic mediums have no belief in guides. In fact, they claim that the guidance they have received via psychic medium readings is primarily delivered from their higher consciousness. Finally, we – the truth seekers – cannot decide which side is 100% right and which side is absolutely wrong. Yet, don’t be discouraged in your psychic