Gun Control In Schools Essay

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As a student, you would think that going to school 6 hours a day, for 5 days a week would be a safe environment for you. think that most agree, that we should be doing things about guns in America. Many school staff and students get killed by these horrible weapons that are called guns, which not a lot of people can stop from bringing it to school. After learning about many massacres that happened in the past couple of weeks, we should have stricter gun laws and background checks in order to keep our country safe.

The first reason why we should have stricter gun control laws, is because of all of the gun violence, and deaths by guns. Stricter gun control laws can lead up to less gun violence and could cut most deaths by firearms in half. According …show more content…

That’s an average of 99 gun deaths a day” (Pratt). This explains how dangerous guns could be when it’s in the wrong person’s hands, and how it’s logical if less people have guns, then less gun violence will happen. In addition to gun violence, stricter gun laws are necessary because guns give people the ability to cause great destruction on others and cause a huge threat. In a Tylt article, it states that, “In most of these other countries, the worst thing that might happen is somebody gets hit with fists, or a glass bottle, or even stabbed, and in those cases there probably won’t be any deaths. But when there’s a gun, it really makes it so much more likely that something terrible will happen” (Hemenway). This shows how guns can really threaten and endanger others lives in so many ways, and if we could make the gun laws stricter then, the amount of violence will be reduced by many. Overall, gun laws should be stricter to keep everyone safe and away from gun violence.

Secondly, we should have stronger background checks for guns. Having …show more content…

First, without stricter gun laws and background checks, there would still be gun violence and we can’t do much to end it unless a someone bigger stops it. Unless you, Rob Portman promotes stricter background checks and stricter gun laws, then the violence and brutal killings still will be going