The Importance Of Student Relationships In University Education

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University education is higher education that is pursued after secondary school education, this education equips you with the skills you need to make an effective university to work transition; at the university you interact with fellow students faculty and even staff. “Human beings are fundamentally and pervasively motivated by a need to belong, that is, by a strong desire to form and maintain enduring interpersonal attachments” (Volet & Hagenauer, 2014). The university is where by you start fostering relationships with lecturers, faculty and staff, these relationships help you survive and get good grades through university life as well as teach you some life lessons. Some university relationships are questionable where as others are a lifetime of friendship. These relationships will help you build your network, because your network is your net worth.
2.0 Types of relationships in university
At the university you have friends that you drink with, study with and even just chill with, keep in mind these are different people. We also have relationships between students and faculty as well as relationships between students and staff.. Universities are hotbeds for all …show more content…

Students relationships with faculty and staff is important because they are networking by relating to them and this can create positive impact in the future; the student can get a referral by the faculty or staff and they may land their dream job, the students also gain interpersonal skills by engaging with the staff, faculty and even their fellow students. You have to be nice to each and every person you meet, you have to greet the janitor the same way you would greet a CEO; you never know what life might throw at