The Importance Of Technical Reasoning

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Sequence: I avoid Sequence almost entirely. I consciously tune out anyone who tries to micromanage my thought process. I do want to know if I am meeting expectations, but find it incredibly irritating when someone is watching everything I do over my shoulder. I feel by somebody telling me step-by-step what to do, they are taking away my ability to learn what is it that I am doing. At work I do things in my own order. Anytime somebody tells me that my order is wrong, I challenge them to provide proof. I have often had small contests with my coworkers to see who could be more efficient at their job. If I lose, I adjust my ways. In my job, I haven't had to adjust the way I do things too often.

Precision: I use Precision first with every task …show more content…

This is the one I can remember using even when I was younger. I have always had the desire to figure things out. I like to learn how things work, especially if it is something that I have absolutely no knowledge of. I have to know why I am to be doing what I was told to do. I need to know the importance or the impact of my task at hand. There is a real good chance if the project that I have been assigned is more of a “busy” type of task that I will put minimal effort into it. That has been the one drawback to this skill for me. If it does not seem important to you, it will not be important to me.

Confluence: Confluence I use as needed. The only indicator that I can say that I do is the fact that I do like to do things on my own. However, there are instances where I have utilized other aspects of this skill. Sometimes there is a need to break a rule or two, usually for speed and safety, and there are also times where you need to take a risk. With that being said I also understand that some things just need to be done over and over again. These tasks do not bother me because they need done on a regular basis and, in my mind, those tasks are the ones that allow everyone to do the more important things …show more content…

(Critically review the Final Reflection assignment in Week Five and decode it.)

Sequence: Sequence will be used in paragraph one for the review portion. It will also be used in paragraphs 3 and 4 for analyzing the pros and cons of my Learning Patterns.

Precision: Precision will need to be used in all aspects of this assignment. In paragraph one you need to explain learning. In paragraph two you need to describe yourself as well as identify your Learning Pattern scores. In paragraphs three and four you have to identify and describe the benefits and challenges of your Learning Patterns.

Technical Reasoning: Although I could not find any specific verbs for Technical Reasoning, this skill still needs to be used. I will use my Technical Reasoning to “just do it”.

Confluence: Confluence is another one without specific verbs used in the instructions. However, brainstorming and creating are big parts of this assignment.

Explain how you will Forge, Intensify, or Tether (FIT) your Learning Patterns to implement personal strategies so you can complete the Week Five assignment efficiently and