The Importance Of Technopreneurship

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Technopreneurship is an entrepreneurial term reserved for entrepreneurs who are engaged in the field of information technology. Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs (Apple), Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google), Mark Zuckenberg (Facebook), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), and Kevin Systorm (Instagram) are a few examples of entrepreneurs who are engaged in the world of information technology.

A. The process of searching for information on business opportunities

Information is very important in finding opportunities that we want to know as a vehicle of our openness to a variety of news in our environment. Much of the information that is often overlooked, this was due to our incapacity to recognize and explore opportunities that exist. Many sources of information, ranging from print media to electronic media. The more complete sources of information would make it easier for us to obtain information about business opportunities. Technologically sophistication and resources that many as an example: magazines, newspapers, television, brochures, pamphlets, baligo, books, internet, radio, and others. Media information that should be utilized to the maximum so that there is reciprocal benefit to us as the leading search information, especially information business opportunities. Here are some tips to find the information business opportunities:

Information about his personality and his ability -> Temukenali Yourself Opportunities that can be achieved Needs and desires of consumers