The Importance Of The Battle Of Saipan During World War II

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During World War II, on June 20-July 1944 at Saipan, Marianas Islands, elements in the NYARNG's known as New York Army National Guard 1st Battalion, 105th Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division (ARMY.MIL,2016) . World War II was on gigantic war with in this war there were several battles that came within World War II. World War II fought from 1935-1945 between the axis powers –Germany, Italy, Japan and allied countries that were involved America, Britain and France. The Battle, Saipan was a very important strategy to engage an attack to control the
Mariana Islands. As the Japanese and the Americans this island were very important for one another because benefit each one of them. The Americans wanted the Islands in order to make a pathway for their B29 Bombers; while Japanese wanted the islands to be closer to the mainland. Brought a huge conflict between one another leading into the Battle Saipan (Battle of Saipan, 2016). Lieutenant Colonel William J. …show more content…

On June 21, 28 and July 7 O’Brien displays the Warrior Ethos, O’Brien operation was ordered three tanks to take enemy’s point, but in despite of this they were taking enemy fire. Affect the tanks were attacking their fellow soldiers. Therefore, O’Brien had run through enemy fire trying to direct the tanks to safe ground in order for tanks to take assault in enemy’s point. This wasn’t the only action that O’Brien took this day of the Battle of Saipan; O’Brien had to also maneuver through ground in order to reach his platoon that was hailed by

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