Camera Obscura Research Paper

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In the early 1800’s, one major instrument in the quest to invent photography was the camera obscura. Latin for “dark chamber,” the camera obscura was a darkened box that had a hole in the wall. The hole provided a way to control light and, in turn, project an image onto the wall of the box. The upside down image was copied to then replicate the image. Due to the aforementioned, the camera obscura would be crucial in developing the photographic process. However, the process proved to be very complex; numerous experimentations would continue to create an effective method to capture realistic, real-life moments. The term photography was coined by John Herschel, but the invention of the process could be attributed to William Talbot. The dynamics …show more content…

Talbot, through his experimentation, discovered a method to semi-permanently fix images. By using a salt solution, Talbot managed to somewhat stop his photograph from continuing to expose. On the other hand, if the photograph continued the exposure process, the image would darken and fade beyond recognition. John Herschel, a close friend of Talbot, would be inspired by his work to produce a permanent fix. Hyposulfite of soda would stop the reaction of silver and permanently fix images. Talbot incorporated Herschel’s contribution to his own methods. To continue, not only did Talbot make pioneer efforts in image permanency, he also improved reaction times. His discovery of using Gallic acid to develop paper yielded shorter exposures. By shortening exposure time and fixing images, Talbot met key characteristics of photography. His images were everlasting and due to lessened exposure time, more accurate than his early …show more content…

The calotype process created a negative image that could result in multiple positive prints. The fault in the process was mainly the use of paper as a medium. It made the rendered image blurry; the paper fibers reduced image quality. However, Talbot was determined to better his product. He wanted his images to be portrayed on glass; the first obstacle was finding a method to stick chemicals to glass. Other notable pioneers in the field of photography made many crucial contributions to the field. However, without the work of Talbot, it is questionable whether these individuals would have made the advances they did. Talbot soon adopted the use of collodion and the wet plate process. One quote from Talbot concerning the latter states, “I do not claim to have perfected an art but to have commenced one.” His photographic process was an early effort filled with learning experiences. Regardless, without the work of Talbot, photography may have not developed effectively as it did. The negative process used can be seen in the development process of today; therefore, the results of his work have proved