The Importance Of The European Convention On Human Rights

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The Greatest Achievement of Council of Europe is (ECHR) European Convention on Human Rights.

The European convention for protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms is an international treaty adopted by the member states of the council of Europe and signed on November 1950, to protect human rights and their fundamental freedoms. The Convention was formulated in 1949 by the Council of Europe. It was signed in Rome by the Council’s original members in November 1950 and came into power in September 1953. Its aim was to avoid the abuse of human rights witnessed in Europe in World War II. The primary aim of the European Convention was to promote and achieve uniform protection of certain fundamental human rights among the member states of the Council of Europe. The council of Europe was founded in 1949, it was created as the first step towards uniting Europe, and the council was set up to defend the human right. The primary aim of the European Convention was to promote the protection of certain fundamental human rights among the member states of the Council of Europe. The Convention contains a number of fundamental human rights in its Articles, enforced by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) which is in Strasbourg. Human rights Act received Assent on 9 November 1998. It came into effect in England and Wales on 2 October 2000. A defendant can now enforce his right directly in English legal system, he can argue breach of his rights under the convention in any court