Uncertified Teachers In Schools

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A very common controversial topic in schools is bringing in uncertified people to teach in classrooms. Schools have teacher shortages and have a hard time bringing in former teachers (Laczko-Kerr & Berliner. 2003). Many uncertified teachers have some training to cope the shortage but not enough to help student’s performance (Laczko-Kerr & Berliner. 2003). Several uncertified teachers come from the national program Teach for America and some have bachelor’s degrees in anything with the ability to enter classrooms without training (Laczko-Kerr & Berliner. 2003). Within this issue in schools, brings in many cultural identifiers. Three cultural identifiers from uncertified teachers are educational background, academic social achievement, and work …show more content…

Normally uncertified teachers are not prepared for how certified teachers are through years of schooling and training from education classes. Schools have always had the issue with the shortage of teachers because the types of education laws and issues that arise, which leads to about anyone stepping into the classroom (Sterling & Frazier. n.d). Uncertified teachers who have different educational backgrounds than certified teachers leaves the students not prepared or motivated to learn from someone who is not experienced in teaching (Sterling & Frazier. n.d). The type of academic achievement that uncertified teachers have is extremely important to the future of students. This is because history has shown when there is no training in education then students don’t become as successful (Sterling & Frazier. n.d). Lastly, the type of work ethic depends on who can become an uncertified teacher. If an uncertified teacher had a prior profession in science with no experience in education, then they would be able to teach but mainly the subject of science instead of math or social studies because of their prior experiences (Sterling & Frazier. n.d). Other teachers at the school that are science teachers would have to help train and teach the new uncertified teacher for the students to be knowledgeable and skilled (Sterling & Frazier. n.d). It all depends on what type of job they had prior to knowing what type of knowledge they have. Every one of the cultural identifiers is important for students knowing who their soon to be teachers will be and how well will they be prepared for the school