Essay About Using Technology In The Classroom

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1.The purpose of this research is to investigate whether using technology in the classroom can help students to learn more, effectively and with more depth and whether the teacher can support students more productively therefore enhancing children’s self–esteem and interest whilst increasing results.

2. By linking the more traditional teaching theories and ideologies with the latest computer technology can teachers help students access to learning materials and allow them to work more independently. By using technology, can the appropriate amount of teacher, peer and student feedback be given and will it help make students take more control of their learning? By connecting the both old and new approaches, reaching out to children and engaging them by use of an interactive, digital world from within the classroom, it is possible that good teaching practice can be …show more content…

Concerned that an already weak class was not progressing as well as they should be, apart from a handful of children on the higher ability table, I felt that a new approach must be sought. A recent push by the school to show the parents how classes incorporated ICT in the lessons encouraged me to train the class how to use the Virtual Learning Environment. I have had plenty of experience using this but at a previous school and mainly with secondary students. However, I felt that this may be the very way to inspire the children to practise their spellings more frequently and in a more accessible way.

6. All parents with children attending the school have signed BYOD letter, saying that they will provide an iPad for school use and that teachers can access this device at all times. Equipment that was available during this study was as follows: the classroom had boosted Wi-Fi, an interactive whiteboard, a PC and printer, AirServer connect to allow student work to be displayed using the overhead projector and all the iPads have the updated apps pushed out regularly from the school server,