The Importance Of Validity In Research

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3.3.2 Actual study
An actual study will be done after verifying the suitability of research methodology. The actual study is conducted in order to data collection and data analysis. The data collected from the actual study will be determined the depth and width meaning on the contextual data with associated by lecturers which engaging in informal learning, informal learning activities which are useful for informants and implications of informal learning. Actually, the research instrument of actual study is same as the pilot study which is included consent form, information sheet, approval letter and an interview guide. All of the document of researcher instrument is bring together when interview proceeds. Consent form is prepared by researcher …show more content…

This is regard by “the idea of trustworthiness” (Klenke, 2008, p.39) and “ rigor” (Lincoln & Guba, 1985 as cited in Whitley & Kite, 2012). Validity and reliability are significant to ensuring the quality of the qualitative research (Berg, 2004) Thus, Golafshani (2003) concluded that reliability and validity are abstracted as trustworthiness, rigor and quality in the qualitative study. Validity and reliability are determine whether the success or not success of a research paper.
In qualitative research, verification is one of the ways to increasing validity and reliability so the research is rigor. (Morse, Barrett, Mayan, Olson, & Spiers, 2002). Pilot study is one of the method to verification this study. A piloting is conducted for verifying the research instrument for real data collection. Researcher is identifying and modifying the wrong word selected and the sentence of the related question before the real data collection procedure based on the pilot study result. This is the one of the methods to make sure the interview is proficient for getting valid and reliability result. Moreover, this method is used to ensuring the finding of this study which included the contextual data associated with lecturers engaging in informal learning, informal learning activities they engaging and their job satisfaction through engaging in informal learning are trustworthiness, …show more content…

First, researcher is familiarized with the qualitative data which is interview transcript and memo and notes in this study. Then, research generates significant early codes of the data. Next, researcher is searching for themes as followed with researcher revises themes. Then, researcher is defined and specifies the themes. Finally, the result of thematic analysis written in a report (Braun & Clarke’s, 2006 as cited in Caulfield & Hill, 2014) which is specific finding of contextual data of informal learning, the valuable informal learning activities and implications of informal