
Arranged Marriage Research Paper

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Throughout Asia, marriage behaviors are continuously changing because of the varying attitudes towards arranged marriage. Though a receding tradition in many cultures across the world, arranged marriages remain an integral part of life in many countries across Asia, such as in India and in Japan. Though similar in this aspect, Indians’ perspective on relationships is vastly different from that of Japan, in the way that it recognizes the common procedures of marriage that other countries also follow. On the other hand, in the traditional Japanese culture, the purpose of marriage for women is to take care of the household and to maintain a reputation. As one can see, though both cultures support arranged marriages, Japanese and Indian households …show more content…

Because of the male dominance prevalent in their environment, the main purpose for women in Japanese culture is to raise children, which consequently limits females’ liberty (The Meaning of Marriage in Japan and in the West) The limited freedom that the couples endured was because of the traditional culture surrounding them and the duty of theirs to stay within the culture’s boundaries. Under the feudal system, marriages were regarded to political and diplomatic approaches in maintaining peace among the feudal lords. (JAPANESE MARRIAGE - HISTORY) The personal will of men and women were ignored to the means of family interests. This implies the ignorance that is given to the children as to whatever the cost, family benefits and culture will always be first in place. As the Japanese based arranged marriage on the honor of the family, Indians were done so for personal benefits. Religious couples believe their marriage should have God at its center, as love and affection will develop between them in time. (Arranged Marriage) Rather than taking consideration of one’s own desires, these couples trust the parents to make a match that is in the best interests for themselves. (Arranged Marriage) Since parents have practical experience, the couples believe that they will avoid the misguidedness of false hope and emotion. It is common in traditional …show more content…

Indian’s beliefs regarding a relationship come from knowing the definition of commitment and having an entire life existence to learn to love each other. (Traditional Marriage Customs in Rajasthan, India) Japan’s traditional culture, on the other hand, deems marrying someone who will be the wisest choice for the family and someone who can continue to uphold a civilized reputation to be of the highest importance. The different attitudes that are apparent in both cultures depend on how each individual interprets their own culture, from ranges of religious couples to non-religious individuals. While both cultures are different, their approach in marriage is managed to create benefits that are not available within a normal marriage. However, as all societies are changing and progressing, the perspectives on arranged marriages are becoming more flexible where predetermined gender roles may slowly cease to

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