
Cultures And Worldviews In The 19th Century

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Cultures and societies around the globe vary in construct and worldview. These constructs can be interpreted by perspective. For example, the dominant perspective interdependent and independent communities which encompass views of self. Moreover, are the concepts and interworking of knowledge systems. Often when the different systems come together a culture clash is visible. As these cultures become apparent in society generally dominant “independent” societies are distressed by the different worldviews. This distress can be depicted in the dominant cultures misunderstanding of other societies worldviews which are the religions that comprise their culture.
Locust (1995) writes how these misunderstandings often lead to prejudice as well as …show more content…

With the dominant part of U.S. culture consisting of independent white middle class, overcoming discrimination towards all groups and in all forms is a hard obstacle to overcome. Nonetheless, it is not impossible, it simply takes time and diligence. One of these ways to accomplish this would include incorporating more studies and accounts of Indigenous religion that come from Indigenous perspectives. Additionally, would be to accommodate more school systems to other religious events of students. Another way to facilitate this movement from the 19th century into the 21st would have more culturally appropriated classes and more classes in general that encompass different objectives than that of the dominant culture. By doing this the U.S. would be better accommodated to compete on a global level. Sadly, change is normally a slow process, therefore, patience and evidence-based studies should be applied to determine which actions are the best in fixing historical decisions. This is because most policy in place only treats the symptoms and does not try to the actual problems and find solutions to …show more content…

Actions carried out by people under the HGDP depicts a reality in the world we live in today. Coming to terms with the horrendous actions that people in organizations like HGDP that are willing to ethically and morally subjugate themselves to condemn others to not only to death but a miserable one as well only better depicts the extreme measures. The primary reason for this is because no one should get to attempt to play God (Dei, Hall & Rosenberg,

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