Online Learning

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The usage of the internet is as vital as it is fresh, different way of finding and posting information. The internet is used to find any sort of information for example like regarding health issues (Eastin 2001) How to overcome fear and many more. The internet has had and will always have a good positive contribution to our learning because it benefits us by improving our knowledge, good quality and credible sources of material which has made life easier for people generate good and quick information (Jonassen 2003). The usage of technology will keep developing as every year technology has some kind of way to impress the world (Heeks 2002). For example the invention of the hologram gaming device.With this way even teaching in schools will change …show more content…

Online learning is the new source of learning for students as everything is explained in detail online. Everything what you need to know and what you would love to know about any particular topic is all explained in detail on the internet. Every part of the topic is shown clearly and explained while the task has been done. YouTube is one source where you can find how to do anything. It could be solving a math problem, how to play a piano, or how to play a song on a guitar which people do learn faster as everything is more visually taught which helps to remember better (Rosaen, Lundeberg and Cooper 2008). In India many of the mobile service providers like Vodafone, Idea and Airtel are providing free online learning through credible sources. Especially the Idea network in India is providing free online learning in villages through credible sources (Bhattacharya and Sharma 2007).In order to get this information the Idea users have to download the apps on their phone through internet either by Wi-Fi or through subscription packages which mostly they do at any place at any time depending on the topic they want and then they watch the video offline after they have downloaded it from the internet. They don’t need to sit down at one place and study; they can educate themselves at any point of time they prefer studying as it’s through internet which means they …show more content…

There are chances where school goers refer to the online videos but have the same piece of information presented in two ways which will confuse them even more than what they would have actually studied in school. Even though they find the easier way to a solution the school they study in might not accept the method of application as it may not be acceptable by their syllabus. Other normal computer hackings or viruses can damage and change the data presented on the webpage as not all credible source are properly secured. To attain information is not easy as to find the right piece of information people have to browse a lot, sit on their laptops for the whole day reading every small detail which may not even relate to the topic as not all the pages have the right information presented. If all the credible sources are secured properly and every good source is written by an expert for example a scientist they would be no problem accessing information from the internet as it will contribute to children learning and will always remain as a source to refer