The Isabella Stewart Gardener Heist Analysis

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The article "The Isabella Stewart Gardener Heist: 25 Years of Theories" covers the dissapearance of several famous pieces of art in March 1990. The pieces in question are: "Rembrandt 's Christ in The Storm on The Sea of Galilee" along with the rest of the Rembrandt 's, Vermeer 's "Concert", Manet 's "Chez Totorni", Degas sketches, a bronze plated eagle, and a Shang Dynasty vase, which was secured by a metal device. Seven years later, Tom Mashberg meets up with a rouge antiques dealer who claimed to have the piece, Rembrandt 's "Storm" was there, but Tom was rushed out with haste. Tom also received some paint chips from people claiming to control the art. They were proven to not match, but, in 2003 they were re-examined and found to match a …show more content…

"National Treasures", an article on the FBI website, provides information about stolen or missing pieces of art, and how you can help the US government recover them. Following the entry of the US into WW2 the Library of Congress dispatched 10 notebooks written by Walt Whitman, a very famous poet, to a secret facility in the Midwest. After the war they were sent back. But, they weren 't there. Luckily several decades later, in 1995, four of the missing notebooks turned up for sale at a Sotheby 's. The missing six have yet to be found. But luckily you can help. The NSAF allows you to see what government owned artwork has come up missing. But still some may think that the art is rightfully theirs, despite it being owned by the government, and may refuse to return it. Only time will tell if the remaining six notebooks will ever shoe up again. The articles "National Treasures" and "The Isabella Stewart Gardener Heist" are both about stolen art, and how the search is on to find them. "National Treasures" was posted on the FBI 's website, and provides information about how you can help recover stolen artwork using the NSAF. "The Isabella Stewart Gardener Heist" is about a famous art robbery that occurred 25 years ago. It talks about the theories for what could 've happened to the art, some even saying that the theives may have destroyed it all. No matter what the case both of these are very mysterious