
The Kite Runner

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Early reading memories: In retrospect to the early childhood age when I was unable to read, write and even to speak clearly, my parents taught me how to pronounce the words and its meaning and family disciplines, how to respect elders and play with other kids in an acceptable manner. In the mentioned age first of all I learned my religious lessons from my parents, which taught me how to be as a human in the society. My parents used to tell me the stories about my countries every night tells I fall asleep.
School reading memories: My parents taught me and used to practice with me every day that how to prepare myself for school. They enrolled me in school.
In school I learned several different subjects such as math, physics, chemistry, biology, …show more content…

Shah Abdali, later known as Ahmad Shah Durrani, was the founder of modern
Afghanistan. Before being elected king in 1747, Abdali was a cavalry general under the Persian emperor Nadir Shah. During his reign, he built a vast empire that extended from eastern Persia to northern India, and from the Amu
Darya to the Indian Ocean. Abdali was also a brilliant Pashto poet. Ahmad
Shah Baba (Father Ahmad Shah) as he is affectionately called, lived a colored life. Abdali was born in 1722 to Zaman Khan Abdali, from the Sadozai
1Pashtun tribe, and Zarghuna Alokazai 2, also a Pashtun. Scholars dispute whether Durrani was born in Herat or Multan 3. He was his father's second son. Durrani's father was Governor of Herat, making it easily believable that he was born in Herat. However, before Durrani was born, his father was imprisoned by the Persians, and upon his release travelled to Multan, choosing the location because he had family there. By 1740, Durrani and his older brother have joined Nader Shah's forces, among other members of the
Abdali clan. The Abdali's became known as the backbone of Nadir …show more content…

Durrani held various positions throughout his time with Nader Shah, as part of his personal staff, as treasury officer, and "orderly" officer. During this time, Nadir Shah and his army raided Delhi, seized the Peacock Throne and
Koh-i- Noor Diamond 5. It was also around this time that Nizam-ul- Mulk Chin
Qalich Khan Asafjah, a former prime minister and acclaimed expert in

physiognomy saw Durrani and told Nadir Shah he saw in him "the signs of greatness" and "predicated that he was destined to become a king." Nadir
Shah not only believed him and agreed, but then had a talk with the young
Durrani, of which there are even written accounts of: "Remember Ahmad
Khan Abdali, that after me the kingship will pass on to you. But you should treat the descendants of Nadir with kindness", said the King to Durrani (Singh
1959; 31). Durrani kept his promise by having his son, Timur Shah, help Mirza
Shah Rukh, the grandson of Nader Shah out of prison and to the city of
Mashhad. Shah Rukh then offered the hand of one of his daughters to Timur
Shah. Nader Shah was a paranoid ruler, and would hurt his own people.
Finally some of his own staff assassinated him in his sleep. Nader

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