The Kite Runner Essay On Identity

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Journey to Identity Identity helps create inner security and mental peace by preserving one 's essence through existence. With Identity, there is ultimatly a sense of individual freedom found by creating ethical definition of ones actions, thus allowing human developpment and growth in essence and morality. With signifigant character developpent , identity is reconstructed and ripened. Meaning with time, identity can be refound and retold. This theme of identity is highly illustrated throughout the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie. These two novels reflect authenticy behind identities that fluctuate over a course of time. There are many instances in the novels where …show more content…

The perception of someone else is greatly emphasized within Baba 's and Amir 's relationship in The Kite Runner. Baba makes up for a large portion of Amir 's character by always critisizing his flaws. Baba would like to be the creator of Amir 's identity. He want 's him to be strong and courageous, yet that is not in Amirs ' nature yet Amir still craves his father 's satisfaction and it causes Amir to make unnecessary mistakes. When Baba says, " A boy who wont stand up for himself becomes a man who cant stand up to anything."- Hosseni) it helps depict the signifigance one 's perception has on one 's identity. Baba is quick to jump to conclusions with his reflection of Amir. Baba can already see that Amir is not the man he was expecting and it 's the reputation that Amir is given. From a young age, Amir was constantly hearing how dissapointed Baba is in him. This kind of perception leads to fatal flaws within character developpement. One can blame that Baba 's lack of support causes some of the other events to take place in Amir 's life. Baba 's perception of Amir had degraded Amir 's moral strength and maybe if Baba had encouraged Amir 's potential more, Amir woudn 't feel like he always had to proove something to Baba