The Kite Runner Literary Analysis

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Education is important, but the difficulty can increase if obstacles stand in the way. The Kite Runner is a historical fiction book written by Khaled Hosseini. The book is about Amir seeking redemption for his past actions and sins. Amir enjoys writing and learning but due to recent conflicts, he has to follow his father to America. Education is more difficult in Afghanistan than in America because of less educational opportunities, teaching religion in schools, and immigration. The differences between educational opportunities of Afghanistan and America. The schools of Afghanistan are harsh and unsuitable for education. "The school was an old two-story building with broken windows and dim, cobblestone hallways, patches of its original dull yellow paint still showing between sloughing chunks of plasters" (Hosseini 76). Amir is describing the condition of his school and it seems to be unsuitable for learning or living conditions. Even with the poor school conditions, the students continue to go to …show more content…

It can cause a harsh toll on a person or family that does not know the future challenge. "Amir's father works at a gas station in Fremont" (Hosseini 106). Finding a decent job is difficult but Amir's father obtained one from a friend that he helped back in Afghanistan. His father works vigorously every day to take care of Amir and this allows Amir to focus on his education. Amir had no difficulty with English since he learned some back in Afghanistan. Amir's experience could be different with other refugees. Dowlati is grateful for the visas, but says he did not realize how difficult life in the U.S. was going to be. Dowlati is an Afghan refugee that went to America and wanted an education to get an office job. He could not because his records are not in the U.S., but he says that it is too early for it but hopefully he could get an office job later. Since he could get past the struggle, he is living a decent