The Knight's Story Of A Black-Hearted Man

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Throughout the knight's tale scenes of black-hearted males and exceptional principles appear, scenes of the human will being stretched to the max and the divine thorting it all, it is a poem about love and anger in its most pure and guttural forms. How love propels Theseus and his quest to set his countrymen right, and of Arcit and Palamon bound by anger yet taunted by Passion for another. Our story starts within the walls of Athens. As thesues walks into his city being celebrated he is halted by a” clad in black, kneeling in the highway, two by two”. They then explain how their husbands killed in Thebs are dead and eaten by dogs as they rot outside the city walls. Outraged by this he takes the city of thebs fast and easly, but two knights are found mamed among the dead Thebiens. “pillagers dragged them, and bore them softly to Theseus’ tent.” were they we healed and taken back prisoner to Athens. Apoun their arrival they were held in a tower above a garden. Many a day after their imprisonment they spot a girl, nay a women whose beauty rivals that of a god, and the roots of the nature of man take hold. …show more content…

Arcit was freed but thrown into banishment. Though free he is no closer to his true goal which at this point is being close to Emily in any way or fashion. As his banishment continues and his heart grows heavier he decides to go back to thebs. As he makes his way to thebs he is seen by his brother who had escaped only a short time ago. However, the reunion is short-lived when upon realizing their intentions to Emily they beat each other savagely with sticks. A short time after this ruthless and brutal contest began Theseus finds them and deciding not to kill them immediately plans an immaculate