Summary: The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

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m going to Bold all the epic hero elements of the story so you can see them. Im going to use the plot of the 1998 Nintendo 64 game The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. In a magical forest, there lives a bunch of kids who never grow up. They dress like elves, and they all have a fairy companion that follows them around. If these children leave the forest, they will die. One child however, doesnt have a fairy. This child has something powerful within him that the others dont have. This child is named link. (this gets revealed later in the story) The great deku tree, the spirtual father of all the children in the forest, who is also GIANT TREE, summons a fairy. This fairy is named Navi, and the deku tree assigns it to link to assist him in a great journey his is going to have to go on. Navi flies to links house, and alerts him that the deku tree has summoned him. Link gets out of bed, equips a sword …show more content…

She throws something at him but it misses and lands in the river. A giant tall man walks out of Castle Town shortly after. His name is Ganondorf, the man zelda spoke of earlier. Link draws his sword, but Ganondorf dabs on the sucka and knocks Link on his goofy ass. He spares Link his life, completley unaware of the threat he poses. Link goes to the river, and grabs the thing that zelda through. It was a magical, blue. ocarina. The Ocarina of Time. Link takes it and heads for the temple of time, where the master sword is sealed. He puts the three spirtual stones on the pedestal and the magic door opens. The master sword is revealed! Link Grabs the master sword, and light consumes him. Ganondorf speaks to link through telapathy, and tells him how he totally blew it. By grabbing the master sword, link opened the sacred realm and made the triforce vulnrable. Ganondorf claimed the triforce and now has ability to do whatever he wants to anyone. He sends Hyrule into a state of despair and ruin. Everything