The Levels Of Authority In Satan's Evil Forces

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Evidently, when Lucifer fell into sin, a vast majority of angelic hosts (about one third of heaven’s total population) joined him in his rebellion. These fallen evil spirits are comprised of fallen angels, demons, and wicked spirits which together make up the kingdom of darkness. The Apostle Peter tells us that God did not spare certain angels which sinned but cast them down to hell (II Peter 2:4). Jude also tells us that the angels that left their original estate are now bound in chains of darkness (Jude 6). Some angels are bound in various places of the earth and others are loose (Revelations 9:14, 15).
Scriptures use different titles when referring to them, signifying that there are various ranks and levels of authority in Satan’ kingdom (Psalm 78:49; Romans 8:38; Daniel 10:18, 20; Revelations 12: 7-9). They are called evil angels, authorities, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, wicked spirits, demons, etc (Ephesians 6:12; Ephesians 3:10; Colossians 1:15; Ephesians 1:21). The Bible actually speaks of demon spirits as distinct from fallen angels. Unlike angels, demons are said to seek to inhabit a human body in order to express their destructive nature whereas fallen angels are Satan’s evil messengers. For the purpose of our study in this body, much attention will be given to the demonic spirits.

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The Greek word “devil” is defined as: a supernatural being, a demon or a god. When scriptures speak of a god as opposed to God, reference is actually made to fallen angels of Lucifer or angels that sinned, also at times referred to as devils or