The Life And Accomplishments Of James Moroe

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The last founding father, James Mornoe, became the 5th president of the United States of America (U.S), serving two terms as president between 1817 and 1825. What was James Monroe’s biggest accomplishment during his presidency that benefited the U.S. during and after his presidency? Monroe’s accomplishment must be of aid to the Americans, allowing freedom, power, independence, protection and/or helping for the people or government of the U.S, and must occur within his presidency. Although James Monroe had a multitude of accomplishments for the U.S. during his presidency, scilicet. the Monroe Doctrine, the Missouri Compromise, Rush-Bagot Treaty, and strengthening the U.S national defense, overall strengthening the U.S national defense was James …show more content…

Gary Hart shares how in “March 1819, demonstrating his continuing concern for security, Monroe undertook yet another tour of fortifications. With Secretary of War Calhoun. [stopped] at Norfolk. to inspect coastal defenses and surveying sites.” (Hart, 74). Monroe took no expense to check wherever he could, looking for improvements to better the U.S.’s national defense to protect his nation from any external power that attempts any unjust behavior against the U.S. In Chapter 16, Winked away by Compromise, written by Harlow G. Unger, a veteran journalist, educator, historian and author of 16 books, the acquisition “of Florida had secured Monroe’s long standing goal of surrounding the nation with a relatively impregnable [unconquerable] wall of natural defenses.” (Unger, 293). Acquiring Florida assisted in protecting the U.S. and the Americans all around, granting the people to live without the distress of not being protected. His thought out defense for the Americans by acquiring states for protection, improving fortifications, and military maintenance, strengthening U.S. national defense was extremely helpful for the Americans, which was Monroe’s biggest achievement during his