The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe Analysis

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis is a story of four different journeys the Christian life can take represented by each of the four children. Lucy, the youngest of the four, is described as “imaginative” and by the end of the story is given the name “Queen Lucy the Valiant” for her courage and determination shown when convincing her siblings that Narnia was indeed real. Susan, the eldest girl, is described as “sensible” for tasks such as her simple reminders to put fur coats before going into Narnia. She was later given the name “Susan the Gentle.” Peter, the eldest of the four children, was the leader of his siblings and assisted in the battle efforts. After the battle, he was given the name “King Peter the Magnificent.” These three children are on Aslan’s side, but Edmund is a different story. Edmund was described as “treacherous.” During his first trip into Narnia, he sided with the White Witch, who is comparable to the devil, and agreed to bring back the rest of the children for dreadful purposes. In contrast with the other children’s paths, Edmund falls into the hands of the Witch and struggles throughout the story to seek a stronghold, which he eventually finds through Aslan. Following his encounter with the White Witch, who asks that Edmund bring his siblings back to Narnia, Edmund finds Lucy, who tells him all about the Faun who she met. She explained to Edmund how the White Witch called herself the Queen of Narnia and how “she can turn people