The Little Prince Character Analysis

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Theme- The little prince and the main character are talking about what makes the desert so beautiful. “What’s most important is invisible.” (Saint-Exupe ́ry 68) The little prince and the main character are talking about how things that make something beautiful cannot be seen by your eyes, but by your heart. This represents one of the themes of The Little Prince, which is you can only see true beauty if you look with your heart. True Colors- The little prince has met the businessman who is busy adding up numbers and not paying very much attention to the little prince. “Hmm? You’re still there? Five-hundred- and one-million…I don’t remember…I have so much work to do! I’m a serious man. I can’t be bothered with trifles! Two and five, seven…” …show more content…

“And no grownup will ever understand how such a thing could be so important.” (Saint-Exupe ́ry 83) When adults lose the mind they had as a child, they lose sight of what’s important, which is a major part of the main theme of this story. Character Struggles- the little prince has met the drunkard, and is confused by his habits “’What are you ashamed of?’ inquired the little prince, who wanted to help. ’Of drinking!’ the concluded the drunkard” (Saint-Exupe ́ry 35) The drunkard was going through a time where he was ashamed of drinking, and drank to forget he was ashamed, which led to his life being pretty much miserable and lots of bad choices and regret. Theme- The little prince is describing how a Turkish astronomer tried to present his discoveries on the little prince’s planet, but how since he was wearing ridiculous clothing, no one believed him. “But no one believed him on account of the way he was dressed. Grownups are like that.” (Saint-Exupe ́ry 9) This shows that grownups judge more on attire and outer appearance than what the person has to say, which is, according to the little prince, is a quality adults have that kids do