The Lost American Poem

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COVER The Lost Paradise Way back when, in 1963 and then again in 1969, two baby girls were born to Janice (Keilholtz) Landis and Wesley Landis. While raising the two of us, they attempted to teach us many life lessons. One of the more important ones being trust! The others being love and respect and so on. Janice and Wes truly loved, respected, and trusted each other. My sister and I witnessed this on a daily basis while growing up. Anyone who knew or met them could see it right away. However, I didnÊt know that the true lessons of love, respect, and most of all trust were taught to us more not in life but in death. The death of our mother, Janice (Keilholtz) Landis. Now when Mom was alive, she had a box. It was her box. My sister and I had …show more content…

In came king to save the day, He took a pass near mid-fl oor And dribbled down to try to score. He jerked to the left and jerked to the right, And scored two points to save the night. All the girls ran out on the court, It looked like Indians charging the fort Th ey picked him up and carried him away. All because he saved the day. After the game there was a dance. In came king with a cocky prance. Th ey stopped the music and cried for a speech, And man, Oh man! Could that boy preach, After the talk he cut a rug. And believe it or not he could jitterbug. Th en all of a sudden he started to scream, He jumped out of bed – My, what a dream!! 51 To A Certain Person If things I give to you are small And fade like fairy gifts away When I give love I give it all Nor keep it for another day Each day love gives a greater share Of love and what love feeds on most And bankrupt never seems to care An never stops to count the cost So giving love and I give all And let the other gifts be small. 52 53 Nature How fortunate is a cloud With not a worry in the world. His thunder might be loud But his rain to us he’s